A Decade of Hope: SIH Cancer Institute Celebrates 10 Years

SIH Cancer Institute

Ten years ago, the SIH Cancer Institute in Carterville opened its doors, transforming cancer care in Southern Illinois. Before its launch, patients often traveled long distances for treatment, adding stress to an already difficult journey. Today, the SIH Cancer Institute provides world-class care close to home, offering life-saving treatments to thousands each year.

Yearly Mammograms Making a Difference

Kim's Story

Kim was originally diagnosed by a screening mammogram. ’Screening’ is the mammogram you get once a year to see if there's anything to be concerned about. In Kim's case, her tumor was way in the back of her breast. There was no way she could feel it, I couldn't feel it. By the time either one of us would have been able to feel it, it most likely would have been stage three, which has a lower survival rate, more aggressive treatment. With getting it early, Kim had more treatment options.

Nelly's Success Story

Dr. Ricardo Siller and Heart Patient Nelly Sanchez

Chest pain, fatigue and shortness of breath: all the signs of a heart attack. But when that was ruled out for Nelly Sanchez, doctors began looking at other reasons for her persistent symptoms.

Emergencies and First Aid Kits

Dr. Barbie Gatton

First aid kits come in all shapes and sizes. Dr. Barbie Gatton says one of the most important things to consider when putting your kit together is customizing it for your own family's health needs. 

When to Call 911: Trauma

Did you know falls are the leading cause of traumatic injury among patients seen in our Level II Trauma Center at SIH Memorial Hospital of Carbondale? The hospital treats about 500 patients a year for injuries and complications from falls.

Hospital Week: SIH's 75th Anniversary

SIH 75th Anniversary

SIH's Founding Fathers: Dr. J.W. Barrow, a Campbell Hill native, well-grounded in Southern Illinois values. Dr. Brown was a teacher prior to going to medical school at Washington University in St. Louis. After medical school, he joined the armed services in World War I and worked at a base hospital in France. There were two types of base hospitals, stationary and general hospitals. Base hospitals often were housed inside pre-war buildings such as seaside hotels.

Barber Shop Men's Health Series

Men's Health Barbershop Series

“Typically, a barber shop is an area of fellowship. It’s an area of camaraderie. It’s an area that a lot of men can feel that they have a safe space. This is where we can have real conversations about real issues without judgment or fear.”