1. Masks are not required in most areas, however, visitors who prefer to wear masks are welcome to do so. Visitors will be advised if a specific area requires a mask.

2. For visitors showing symptoms or signs of respiratory illness and those with a recent known exposure to someone with a respiratory illness, masking is recommended to reduce transmission.

3. Visitors will be respectful of the privacy and confidentiality of the patient, other patients and staff at all times.

4. Visitors are expected to maintain appropriate behavior. Any disruptive or inappropriate behavior may result in removal from the facility.

5. In an effort to support patients, visitors will help cultivate a restful and curative environment.

6. Where applicable, visitors need to adhere with all visitor badge requirements.

7. Follow guidelines pertaining to isolation, infection control and other health and safety precautions from nursing staff. This includes hand washing and other required safety practices when entering and leaving a patient’s room.

8. Infection prevention may require visitors to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such as a gown, gloves, mask and face shield.

9. Visitors may not consume alcohol, recreational cannabis, medical cannabis or other nonprescription controlled substances while on the grounds of any SIH facility. If a visitor appears intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or other substances, whether such substances are prescribed or recreational, staff may contact SIH Security.

10. Visitors may not smoke or use vapor electronic cigarette/pipes or other tobacco or cannabis products anywhere in SIH facilities or on facility grounds.

11. Visitors are encouraged to keep their voices to a reasonable level. Televisions, radios and other sound devices may not be loud or disturb other patients, especially during Rest and Healing hours from 8 p.m. – 8 a.m.

12. Audio/video recording of hospital staff or patient care is not allowed without the consent of staff, patient, and any other individuals being recorded.